Laying the Foundation with a Digital Footprint

My journey began in the beauty industry, where from 2016 to 2021, I ran a successful salon.

The key?

A solid digital footprint. I mastered the art of enhancing our online presence, from engaging social media strategies to maintaining top rankings on Google. This digital prowess not only catapulted our salon’s success but also equipped me with skills invaluable for my next venture.

With a wealth of digital marketing knowledge, I pivoted to a new role as a media strategist.

Here, I applied my acumen in PR and digital marketing to help other small businesses grow their online visibility, focusing heavily on improving their SEO. This was more than a job change; it was about amplifying the impact of small businesses in the digital world and seeing the businesses I worked with climb up the SEO ranks, gaining visibility and growth.

Is it possible to double your income in a year?

As someone who has done it, I can say yes. But it’s not just about the income; it’s about the value you bring to the table. My transition from a salon owner to a media strategist did more than just boost my earnings; it significantly improved the SEO and online presence of numerous small businesses. If I can do this, can you!


Dawna Jarvis

Before my work as a business growth strategist, I was a salon owner. From the moment the salon doors opened, it became a thriving business. It was evident my drive and determination were paying off. But I had a challenge. No matter how financially successful the salon was, I had this daunting black cloud feeling over me; something was missing. I couldn’t explain it, but I felt incomplete or like there had to be something more. I felt like I needed to figure out that feeling of “there has to be something more.”

It quickly became apparent that what I enjoyed most in the salon was building my team. I was a natural-born leader and had a passion for helping others grow. This showed in the success of all of my stylists, most of who were 6 figure earners. Closing my salon during Covid allowed me to pivot my career and do what I’m genuinely passionate about…teach entrepreneurs how to tap into their businesses and see things differently.

  • "I'm now associated with the highest regarded design publication in the world! You have no idea! I can’t believe this is my reality. THANK YOU!

    - Melanie Thomas

Explore the Packages

Whether your business is a restaurant, nonprofit organization, or online platform, you need to build trust with the community in order to be successful. You can use news stories and coverage of your company as a way to construct a bond between you and potential customers. When people see that other people are talking about how great your business is, they’ll be more likely to work with you as well. Let’s build your company’s trust together.

Book a Consult Call

The media is a powerful tool for building trust between your business and the community. And trust is everything! You can use the news to establish your brand, share your story with a larger audience, and even bring in more customers. Ready or not, let’s book a call to see how we can get you there one step at a time! After you schedule your call, download my FREE guide above on ‘5 Things You Need Before Going to the Media’ to get started right now.